June 2012
  • Chairperson's Corner

    The Pension Section Council has had several webcasts relating to mortality and longevity issues. Future projects include issues relating to lifetime income.
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  • Notes from the Editor

    Thanks to authors and check out the new search capabilities on SOA website.
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  • A View from the SOA’s Staff Fellow for Retirement

    New mortality improvement scale, lump sum buyouts for current retirees, and the focus of various groups on new designs for retirement plans are discussed.
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  • Perspectives from Anna: Focus on Post – Retirement Risk Update on Society of Actuaries Activities

    The Committee on Post-Retirement Needs and Risks has partnered with several other organizations to more adequately address retirement needs and risks. Anna Rappaport provides an overview of these partnerships.
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  • Stop Talking, Start Walking -- the Secure Choice Plan Builds Retirement Security

    Rocky Joyner describes the proposed Secure Choice Plan. The plan is based on a partnership among private sector workers and employers and public sector plan sponsors.
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  • Understanding Longevity: Actuaries Working with Financial Planners

    Traditionally financial planning is based on planning to a certain age. Cheryl Krueger and Anna Rappaport have presented to several financial planning organizations on the variability of longevity.
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  • Six Ways to Reduce Pension Costs and Combat Volatility

    This article notes that the demise of defined benefit plans is exaggerated and that there are alternatives to freezing plans.
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  • Re-Imagining Pensions Conference

    This article is a quick summary of the Re-Imagining Pensions: Using Innovative Pension Plan Design to Reduce Risk and Increase Retirement Income conference held in February.
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  • Pension Funding Stabilization

    This article is a brief summary of proposed changes in prescribed discount rates for funding private plans in the United States.
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  • New Mortality Improvement Scale Exposure Draft Released by SOA – It’s Your Move...

    Mortality Improvement Scale BB is here. Read this article to learn more.
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  • Fundamentals of Private Pensions Roundtable Interview

    Fundamentals of Private Pensions was first published in 1955. Since then it has been utilized on the exam syllabus and as a helpful resource for pension related issues. The SOA recently spoke with Mark Warshawsky, Olivia Mitchell and Bob Sanford about the history of the book, its usage, and the upcoming tenth edition.
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  • Print Friendly Issue

    Print a PDF of the full issue.
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