November 2012
  • Chairperson's Corner

    The Pension Section continues to provide significant research of value to pension actuaries. Congratulations to new Pension Section Council members.
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  • A Dialogue with Long-Term Pension Actuaries

    Anna Rappaport moderated an interview with three prominent actuaries. You will find this interview very interesting.
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  • Notes from the Editor

    Thanks to authors and check out the Pension Section subgroup on the SOA LinkedIn group.
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  • Volatility Management in Pension and Retiree Health Plan Actuarial Valuations

    Richard Joss reviews seven papers included in a single monograph.
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  • GASB Approves New Accounting Standards for Public Sector Pension Plans and Sponsoring Employers

    Significant changes coming in public plan accounting. Even if you do not practice in this area, you may want to be current on the concepts.
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  • A View from the Soa’s Staff Fellow for Retirement

    New projection Scale BB, mortality resources, and longevity issues are discussed.
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  • Interesting New Resources for Pension Actuaries

    Resources mentioned include retirement security for women, importance of defined benefit plans, and income for life.
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  • Perspectives from Anna: Retirement and Financial Advice – What I Heard At Two Recent Meetings

    Anna Rappaport provides insights to the Pension Research Council symposium on retirement advice and the Financial Planning Association Retreat.
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  • Impact of Running Out of Money Roundtable: Ideas Provided

    Joe Tomlinson provides insights on this issue.
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  • Dilbert Cartoon

    Check out Dogbert’s retirement planning service.
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  • Print Version

    Print a PDF of the full issue.
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