January 2013
  • Chairperson’s Corner

    Congratulations to Faisal, our new Pension Section Chairperson. Read his update on Council activities.
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  • Notes from the Editor

    Don’t forget to attest for CPD and pay your dues.
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  • A View from the SOA's Staff Fellow for Retirement

    Pension Staff Fellow, Andy Peterson, reflects on three developments from 2012 that promise to have continued impact in the work of pension actuaries going forward.
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  • Perspectives from Anna - Some insights Into Phased Retirement and Retirement Decisions from the Retiree's Point of View

    Anna provides insights to her personal story.
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  • Lifetime Income - An Important Focus for Retirement Planning

    Tradeoffs and barriers to lifetime income.
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  • Employer Costs for Employee Compensation

    DOL’s Bureau of Labor Statistics latest statistics.
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  • What I Found Interesting at the SOA Annual Meeting

    Comments from actuaries who attended the 2012 annual meeting.
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  • Test Your Pension Finance Knowledge

    The Pension Finance Task Force short quiz on pension finance issues.
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  • Variable Annuities: A Retirement Plan Design with Less Contribution Volatility

    Learn more about variable annuity plans where benefits reflect the return on plan assets.
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  • Living to 100 Monograph – Mortality Articles

    Abstracts (and links to the papers) relating to mortality from the last Living to 100 Symposium.
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  • Why are Corporate Pension Plans Reducing Risk Now?

     Another look at de-risking.
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  • Whose risk is it anyway?

    A look at current de-risking and its impact on variouspension plan stakeholders.
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  • Dilbert

    Check out Dogbert's retirement planning service.
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  • Print Version

    Print a PDF of the full issue.
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