There have been several major disruptions that will likely end up dragging the world into a major regime change. The best way to prepare for the next New Normal is with Scenario Planning. Come join a mock scenario planning exercise working in groups. You will be provided a New Normal Scenario and each group will work to develop a new plan for the transition of a business to successfully navigating that Scenario. Groups will share their scenarios and their plans. Session Coordinators will provide the scenario as well as an outline for a plan to respond to the scenario. Workshop participants will work out details for their scenario and plan in small groups. This session is a follow up to two webcasts sponsored by the JRMS in May and June 2023. You will learn about Scenario Planning for Regime Change by doing it within your groups. 100% participation is expected! Enjoy hearing how other groups approached the same type of problem so that they are also exposed to the significant diversity of approach that is likely to arise. TRACK: ERM/ Capital Risk/ Climate Change;Other (DEI, Professionalism, Leadership, Communications, Business Skills, Bias Topics, Etc.)