How might retirement income strategies be designed and their suitability assessed when retirees may differ substantially in their objectives, preferences and personal circumstances? Gain a wide-ranging overview of the key elements involved in formulating retirement strategies, drawing on the report, Primer on Retirement Income Strategy Design and Evaluation, which was recently released by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) Research Institute's Aging and Retirement Strategic Research Program. Hear about three types of income objectives-income floor, income target and income optimization-and how they imply different retirement strategies along with a different set of metrics to evaluate outcomes. We will also touch on key member attributes to account for: The nature of income risk, approaches to investing and drawing down on available assets to generate income, and how stochastic modeling can support the analysis. You will find something of interest in this session, regardless of prior familiarity with strategies for retirement. TRACK: Retirement/Pension (Corporate Plans, Social Insurance)