In this talk, we will look at two behavioral aspects: (1) from end customers perspective and (2) through the lens of underwriters. The first speaker will explore the use of customer analytics and the considerations across insurance value chain. The second speaker will talk about what Behavioral Science is, its relevance to life and health insurance and how it can be leveraged to improve policy persistency. In particular we will examine some of the key psychological frictions behind customer behaviours, how "nudge" can effectively guide customers to make better decisions and the potential of combining data analytics with Behavioural Science to improve customer persistency.
Gavin Maistry, Ph.D., FSA, CERA, SFAS, CFA
Global Chief Actuary (Life & Health)
Munich RE
Tiffany Chan
Behavioural Science Consultant, APAC
Swiss Re Solutions
Fong Nei Chan, FSA SOA Japan Ambassador
Senior Manager (Life & Health)
Gallagher Re