2024 Board Member Candidate

Jon Zeu Wu, FSA 1991, CERA 2009, MAAA 1992
Retired recently
Farmington, CT
Current Board Member of the Connecticut Retirement Security Program (CRSP)
Brief Description of Current Work
Provide guidance and review/approve recommendations in promoting and safeguarding the mandated for the retirement funds of the employees from CT small businesses.
Primary Area(s) of Practice
Risk Management and Life Insurance
Jon, a result-oriented actuarial, risk, and finance executive, takes pride in his diverse experiences across Canada, the US, Mexico, South America, and the Asia Pacific insurance markets. His expertise lies in turn-around opportunities and creating value for both start-up and established operations by optimizing the risk/return matrix. Jon has served on boards and committees, shaping strategic direction and corporate vision. His leadership extends from coordinating multiple departments during merger and acquisition activities to expanding scale and market presence. As a strong people leader, he fosters a positive workplace environment, inspiring employees to meet corporate targets.
Before his retirement in August 2024, Jon already focused more on local volunteer efforts and with the Society of Actuaries and American Academy of Actuaries. His interests include family homelessness prevention, mentorship, corporate finance and enterprise risk management education, and societal purpose actions related to climate risk, social and health care equity, and financial security. Recently, he completed the SOA Climate Risk Certification Program. In 2023, Jon contributed two articles to the International section newsletters: “Management Navigation and Readiness for Implementation of IFRS 17 and New Solvency Standards for Life Insurers” and “Responding Toward Climate Control and Governance”.
Additional Info
My wife, Shumei, is a health actuary and an FSA. I appreciate her support for my volunteer work. We both graduated from the same university and lived as expatriates in Sao Paulo, Taipei, and Hong Kong. We cherished our overseas experiences while being based in the US. I have a passion for traveling and exploring diverse cultures worldwide. Additionally, I’ve flown on every Boeing 7 series and Airbus 3 series aircrafts and some of the small ones.
Last year, the CT governor’s office invited me to join a board of 15 members. Our mission is “helping the hardworking people of Connecticut save for retirement”. Many states are implementing regulations to provide lower-fee retirement fund access for small business employees, enhancing retirement security. I’m honored to contribute alongside my fellow CT residents. Sometimes, you never know when the phone call will come, but we actuaries can indeed make a difference!