November 2012
  • Issue Notes from the Editors

    In this issue of The Independent Consultant, we again offer practical and topical articles to appeal to the Entrepreneurial Actuaries Section (EAS) membership.
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  • From the EAS Chairperson: Farewells and Welcomes

    It is hard to believe that my year as section chair is just about up—it has gone by very quickly. I am fortunate to have another year on the section council, and I will be continuing as secretary/treasurer.
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  • Actuaries Starting a Business: An Interview with Michael Frank, President of Aquarius Capital

    The Entrepreneurial Actuaries Section (EAS) has sponsored sessions on starting a business, featuring entrepreneurs who tell their own stories. We are following up with a series of interviews, this time with Michael Frank, president of Aquarius Capital.
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  • Does Your Pricing Conceal Your Company’s True Value to Customers?

    You are vulnerable to inappropriate price comparisons and perhaps to the loss of customers when a substantial portion of your company’s true value is hidden from customer view. Here’s a cautionary tale to illustrate how this happens.
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  • How Did I Get to Where I Am Today? My 50-Plus Years of Being an Entrepreneur — The Last 40 Years — Part II

    During the first week of my employment, my boss took me aside and gave me advice that has remained with me ever since: “Actuaries automatically have two strikes against them when they walk into a room with other company staff.”
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  • Proof that the Independent Risk Audit Is a Great Idea!

    I’ve written more than once that an independent “risk audit” would be a more useful exercise than the independent accounting audit with which we are all familiar.
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  • Saying "No" Gracefully

    Learning how to say “no” is a critical skill in work life, so let’s briefly explore why it feels so hard for some of us to do and then learn a couple of techniques that will make saying “no” much easier.
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  • Started or Starting a Business, and the Role of the Education System: What We (Again) Heard from You!

    As part of the Entrepreneurial Actuaries Section’s (EAS’s) ongoing aim to assist actuaries with starting a business, we sought input from business creators via a summer 2012 survey of the EAS to help guide fellow entrepreneurs.
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