May 2013
  • From the EAS Chairperson: Face-to-Face Time

    Several months ago a human resource memo was leaked by Yahoo stating their decision to end most forms of telecommuting. This was a controversial decision. ...By Joeff Williams
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  • From The Editor

    The Entrepreneurial Actuaries Section (EAS) continuously strives to be relevant to its members. The section’s chairperson, Joeff Williams, notes that this is not an easy task. ... By Carlos Fuentes
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  • Thoughts on Leadership

    Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, defined leadership as raising someone’s productivity and stretching that person to become more than what he or she ever thought they could be. ...By Ken Mitchell
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  • Enhance Your Business Through Leading and Learning

    Today, while little remains certain, acknowledged and self-proclaimed experts, business leaders, and even the average Joe and Jane agree―the world is far less predictable. ...By Jim Rush, Kerry Bunker and Art Gechman
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  • Overcoming Resistance to Change

    Imagine your boss has given you an important assignment to bring about a needed change in your organization. It sounds good. But people throughout your organization will resist this change. Not so good. ...By Jay W. Vogt
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