The following is a listing of recent and upcoming professional development (PD) opportunities with significant GI relevant content.
Recent SOA sponsored PD relevant to GI included:
- Insurance Analytics with Machine Learning: A Primer for Actuaries Webcast, April 6, 2017
- 2017 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium (New Orleans), April 20–21, 2017 [SOA as co-sponsor]
- Pet Insurance Webcast, May 15, 2017
- Actuaries Climate Index Webcast, May 18, 2017 [SOA as co-sponsor]
- V102 – The Alphabet Soup of Risk Protection—ORSA & ERM, June 13, 2017
Upcoming SOA sponsored PD with topics relevant to GI include:
- 7th SimErgy ERM Boot Camp (New York), June 26–27, 2017
- The SOA China Annual Symposium (Shanghai, China), June 29–30, 2017
- The SOA Asia-Pacific Annual Symposium (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), July 6–7, 2017
- 52nd Actuarial Research Conference (Atlanta), July 26–29, 2017
- Predictive Analytics Symposium (Chicago), Sept. 14–15, 2017
- SOA Annual Meeting & Exhibit (Boston), Oct. 15–18, 2017
- Advanced Business Analytics (Chicago), Nov. 28–30, 2017
Also, remember that the SOA offers E-courses and webcast recordings for PD. Some of these are relevant to GI, such as:
- Applications of Statistical Techniques for Professional Development E-course
- Enterprise Risk Management E-course
- Insurance Analytics with Machine Learning: A Primer for Actuaries Webcast Recording
In addition to offerings from the SOA, there are plenty of GI PD opportunities from other sources. For example:
- In June, the European Actuarial Academy is presenting a webinar on Natural Catastrophe Modelling.
- In August, Panama City Panama is the host of the International Actuarial Association 2017 ASTIN AFIR-ERM Colloquia.
- In September, The Canadian Institute of Actuaries is holding the Seminar for the Appointed Actuary in Montreal, Canada.
- In October, the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries is holding GIRO 2017 in Edinburgh, Scotland.