By Kristen Moore
The purpose of the E&R section is to facilitate expanding the knowledge base of the actuarial profession, promote ties between business actuaries, academic actuaries and actuarial educators, and seek ways to support and encourage actuarial education and research.
Here is a brief update on the recent activities of the Education and Research (E&R) Section Council.
Thanks and Welcome- Three of our council members’ terms ended. We thank Ron Gebhardtsbauer, Tom Herzog, and Sheldon Lin for their service.
- We welcome our newly elected council members: Sam Broverman (University of Toronto), Rick Gorvett (University of Illinois), and Nariankadu Shyamalkumar (University of Iowa).
- Tom Edwalds’ term as chairperson ended. We thank him for his leadership and service, and we welcome our new chairperson, Jim Trimble.
Meeting Updates
Our section sponsored several events at the SOA Annual Meeting in October 2012:
- Actuaries and the Bayesian Revolution – Parts 1 and 2
- Dodd Frank – Where Are We Now?
- A breakfast session for networking and a general discussion of section activities.
- We co-sponsored the panel discussion: Mortality Improvement Trends—What Does the Future Hold?
We sponsored a breakfast session and we co-sponsored the session Generalized Linear Models for Health Actuaries at the 2012 Health Meeting.
We will sponsor or co-sponsor four sessions at the 2013 Life and Annuity Symposium. For more information, please see the article by Tom Edwalds in this edition of Expanding Horizons.
Actuarial Research Conference (ARC)
The 47th Annual Actuarial Research Conference (ARC) was held at University of Manitoba last August. For more information, please see the article by Sam Cox in this edition of Expanding Horizons.
The 2014 ARC will be held at University of California Santa Barbara.
We are accepting applications for ARC in 2015 and beyond; applications are due by May 31, 2013. Please see the E&R Section web page for the full solicitation.
LinkedIn Group
The SOA Education and Research Section LinkedIn group has grown to 130 members. Please consider joining the group and using it for networking and discussions.
We value your feedback and ideas on section activities. If you would like to share a comment or suggestion with us, please contact Jim Trimble at
Kristen S Moore, PhD, ASA, is an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Michigan