October 2013
  • Letter From The Chair

    The Technology Section chairperson gives an update on section activities.By Steve Finn
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  • Letter From The Editors

    CompAct’s editors describe the contents of this issue.By Paul Ramirez and Rich Junker
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  • Analytics and the Analytical Iinsurer

    Read an explanation of why insurance companies need to apply analytics in real-time or near-real-time operational environments.By Stuart Rose
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  • Cloud Computing For Actuaries - IaaS, PaaS, SaaS—What Do These Mean And Why Do I Care?

    This article defines cloud computing and informs actuaries how to get the most out of it.By Van Beach
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  • R - The right choice for analytics

    This article presents a description of several computer programs used for analytics. By KevinPledge
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  • Reminiscences of a Prophet Operator

    Read this article for an overview of Sungard’s Prophet Professional program.By Anton Kobelev
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  • The DSLR Novice Seeks to Be The Excel Artist

    How well do you know the features of Excel? Read this article and find out.By Andrew Chan
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  • Mental Math

    In this excerpt from Mental Math, the authors describe a method to check that a list of numbers is summed correctly.By Paul Ramirez
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  • GPUs: How We Went From Zombie Blood Splatter To Financial Projections

    GPUs are structured differently from CPUs in that they are designed to process many small programs or functions simultaneously. Read how they benefit actuaries.By Chris Stiefeling
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