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Julia for Actuaries
Feature article that supports the statement that actuaries who are competent coders will differentiate both themselves and the companies they work for. Coding ability will be useful no matter what tools are utilized every day and all of those tools and communities contribute to moving actuarial processes out of the “Spreadsheet Age.” -
Model Validation Under LDTI
Listen now as April Shen, FSA, MAAA interviews Jennifer Caplin, FSA, MAAA on the components, challenges and project management for model validation under LDTI. -
Undeniable Synergy - A Discussion on the Chief Modeling Officer Role with Van Beach
"Given today’s environment, the trajectory of modeling technologies and applications, and the mission-critical nature of modeling within insurance organizations, the time has come for the chief modeling officer. " What's the role description for a chief modeling officer? What is the organizational structure and institutional benefits for this role? Listen now as April Shen, FSA, MAAA interviews Van Beach, FSA, MAAA on the role of Chief Modeling Officer in insurance companies. -
Principal Component Analysis Using R
Principal component analysis is an unsupervised linear transformation mainly used for dimension reduction. Determine key numerical variables with maximum variances in a dataset, identify the correlation and removal of redundant variables are the key aspects of this exploratory data analysis. -
Data Warehouse, Data Lake or Data Swamp? Actuarial Modeling in the Big Data Era with Tom Peplow
Listen now as April Shen, FSA, CFA interviews Tom Peplow (Principal, Director of Product Development - LTS) on the interaction between actuarial modeling and big data. In this episode, Tom discusses the basic concept on data warehouse, tools and resources actuaries can use to learn more. -
Actuaries, Are You Paying Attention? Global Megatrends In Technology Are Disrupting The Life Insurance Industry
Global megatrends in technology are disrupting the life insurance industry. -
Intro to R
Listen as Anders Larson, FSA, MAAA talks with Shea Parkes, FSA, MAAA in the first of several episodes about data science programming languages. This episode focuses on R, which is probably the most popular languages for data science and statistical analysis in use today. Learn about the history of R, how to get started using it, strengths and weaknesses, and resources for learning more and enhancing your skills. This is the second in a broader series of episodes focusing on languages, libraries, frameworks and cloud providers. -
Artificial Neural Networks
Listen in as Anders Larson, FSA, MAAA, interviews Shea Parkes, FSA, MAAA, and Michael Niemerg, FSA, MAAA, about artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks have gone through a recent renaissance as part of deep learning. Artificial neural networks can now provide amazing accuracy, but they come with an equally amazing amount of complexity. This podcast provides a very high-level overview of everything from their history to modern implementations. -
Random Forests
Listen in as Anders Larson, FSA, MAAA, interviews Shea Parkes, FSA, MAAA about Random Forests. Random Forests are a very important machine learning algorithm that all practitioners should be very comfortable with. They provide great performance with minimal tuning and headache.
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