Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

2017 Candidate Questionnaire - Wendy C. Liang, FSA 2008, CERA, MAAA

Wendy C. Liang

Wendy C. Liang, FSA 2008, CERA, MAAA

Director, Client Service Delivery   
Swiss Re, Zurich, Switzerland

Brief Description of the type of work you currently do:

I have worked in the life reinsurance space for the last 10+ years with a focus in Risk Management and Reporting, first in the US and currently in Zurich, Switzerland.

Primary Area of Practice:

Life, Reinsurance

Other Areas of Practice/Interests:

International, Technology, Risk Management, Financial Reporting and Valuation/Reserving

Why do you want to be on the Board?

My volunteering journey with the SOA began shortly after I attained my FSA in 2008. Little did I know that nine years later, I'd become ever more involved and love every single aspect of it, having led the International Section Council and serving on other committees/councils. The more work I've done, the more I realize how I can contribute and share my experiences to help shape the profession. It is with this in mind that I'd like to serve on the Board. I hope to bring my energy and experience to the Board and give back to the actuarial community.

Ethics and Transparency

Ethics and transparency are essential to professional practice and service on the board. How have you demonstrated ethics and transparency in the past? How will your own ethics and views on transparency influence your decisions and actions as a member of the SOA board?

Team Player

Collaborative working relationships are essential to the governance function of the SOA Board of Directors, especially as board members work with each other, volunteers, and staff to achieve the strategic goals and mission of SOA. Describe a situation from either your professional or volunteer experiences that demonstrated you are a team player.

Intellectual Engagement

Board members need to exhibit curiosity and a desire to learn about areas that may potentially impact the SOA and the profession. How do you stay informed about what is going on nationally and internationally, and how do you apply that knowledge into your work with SOA and the profession.


Respectful and prudent use of resources is an important function of all board members. Explain how you have demonstrated this characteristic in either your work or volunteer experiences and how it will carry over to your role on the SOA Board.

Professional Background

Provide a brief description of your professional background and the type of work you currently do and explain how these experiences have prepared you for the Elected Board Member role.

Volunteer and Governance Experience

Describe how your previous volunteer, personal and governance experiences would strengthen your contributions to the SOA Board and organization.