Dues for Membership

The Basics

  • How to pay your dues online. Visit the dues renewal page and log in. If you don't have your login credentials, follow the on-page instructions to set up or recover your username and password. For any questions, contact Customer Service via email or at +1-888-697-3900.
  • The deadline for annual dues is Jan. 1. A 20 percent late fee is assessed on March 1 and an additional 30 percent late fee is assessed on April 1.
  • Want to pay with a check or money order? Checks and money orders are accepted through the mail only. You may pay online with a credit card.
  • Want to renew multiple members at once? We support renewal of multiple memberships by mail. Please reach out to Customer Service via email or at +1-888-697-3900 to begin this process.
  • Interested in a waiver? Please fill out the dues waiver application.

To pay by check:

Please print your invoice and submit with full payment to:
P.O. Box 95600
Chicago, IL 60694-5600
Please allow 10 business days for receipt and processing.

If you have questions about dues, please contact us at customerservice@soa.org. Customer Service representatives are also available by phone at +1-888-697-3900 and live chat from Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Central Time.

The Details

2025 Schedule of Dues/Fees

Member Category

All Waiver Eligible Members

Non-U.S. Residents

U.S. Residents*

Fellows and Associates who become Associates prior to 2022

$ 78

$ 780

$ 835

Associates who became Associates after 2021

$ 39

$ 390

$ 445

CERA only certified prior to 2022

$ 78

$ 780

$ 835

CERA only certified after 2021

$ 39

$ 390

$ 445

*The $55 differential for U.S. residents covers the expenses of the Actuarial Standards Board and the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline administered by the American Academy of Actuaries. Members paying full dues who were also members of the American Academy of Actuaries in 2024 before the renewal will receive a $55 credit. Waived members have this $55 included in the applicable amount waived.

All dues payable by Jan. 1, 2025. A 20 percent late fee will be assessed on dues/fees unpaid as of March 1, and an additional 30 percent if unpaid as of April 1.

As an SOA member, you're invited to be part of the development of the global profession by joining the International Actuarial Association (IAA), the worldwide association of professional actuarial associations. Join the IAA sections. View more information on IAA section membership.


Section Dues

Three ways to join a section:

  1. If you're an SOA member, you can add or delete sections online using the Dues Online Renewal system.
  2. If you're an SOA member and have already paid your dues, you can re-open your dues invoice online, add sections and make the payment.
  3. What to do if you're not an SOA member.
Schedule of Section Dues/Fees


Member Rate

Non-Member Rate

Actuary of the Future



Education & Research



Emerging Topics Community



Entrepreneurial & Innovation



Financial Reporting












Joint Risk Management (SOA–CAS–CIA)



Leadership & Development



Long-Term Care Insurance



Marketing and Distribution



Product Development









Smaller Insurance Company



Social Insurance & Public Finance







Dues Waiver Application

As authorized by Article XI of the Bylaws or by action of the Board of Directors, waiver of dues/fees is allowed for the amount in excess of 10 percent of base FSA or ASA dues under one or more of the following conditions:

  1. Entitlement to U.S. Social Security disability benefits or equivalent
  2. Entitlement to Long Term Disability Benefits
  3. Active duty in the uniformed forces of the United States or Canada or equivalent
  4. Full-time student at a recognized university or institution of higher learning
  5. The current year’s Earned Income will not exceed the Earned Income Limit described below. 
  6. Special circumstances which, in the judgment of the Admissions Committee, warrant waiver of dues or certification fees.

All waived members will be assessed 10 percent of base FSA, applicable ASA dues or CERA fees. Section memberships are not included in the waiver.

"Earned Income" is income from employment or self-employment sources. It includes severance, but does not include pension or investment income. The earned income limit for this policy is defined as 80 percent of the U.S. per capita annual income as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (rounded to the nearest thousand). The income limit for 2025 is $55,500.

All waiver requests require an annual attestation and are based on status as of Jan 1.  Waiver requests will be reviewed and approved by the Admissions Committee Chair.

Waivers for attainment of age 70 are awarded automatically based on age.

Dues Waiver Application


Reinstatement of Members

A fellow or associate who has resigned or who has been dropped for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated subject to Admissions Committee approval upon completion of an application for reinstatement, compliance with whatever requirements are then in effect, and payment of back dues (currently limited to two years' dues), and current year dues.

Article XIII of the SOA Bylaws imposes requirements on persons whose membership was terminated as a disciplinary matter.

Reinstatement Application


Subsidy Assistance

For the year 2025, the SOA will continue to offer consideration for dues assistance to members residing in countries that have a per capita income equal to or less than one-third the average of the United States and Canada, as reported by the World Bank. The amount of the individual subsidy will be determined by the SOA, based on the information provided once the application is approved. The application process requires the member’s personal statement as to his/her income level. If you wish to apply for the subsidy, please submit the subsidy application form.

Subsidy Assistance Application


Resignation of Membership

Members who wish to end their membership with the Society of Actuaries must notify our office by completing the online form. Once we have received your form, your request will be forwarded on to the Admissions Chair for approval.

Please be aware that resigning your membership to the Society of Actuaries precludes your use of the ASA, FSA, or CERA designation.

Resignation Form


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the definition of “Earned Income":
A: : "Earned Income" is taxable income from employment or self-employment sources. It includes severance, but does not include pension or investment income. The earned income limit for this policy is defined as 80 percent of the U.S. per capita annual income as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (rounded to the nearest thousand). The income limit for 2025 is $55,500. 

Taxable earned income includes:

-W2, T4 earnings or its equivalent

-Net earnings from self-employment/independent contractor


Q: How can I get a copy of my invoice?
A: You can print invoices online.

Q: How do I get a receipt or check to see if my dues have been paid?
A: Please login to view your order history. Click on your membership order and print a receipt. If you don't remember your username or password, you may retrieve it by using the automated feature on the SOA log-in site. This will activate an email to you with login instructions. 

Q: How do I resign my membership?
A: To resign your membership you must submit the resignation request form that will be presented to the Admissions Committee.

Q: How do I reinstate my membership?
A: To apply for reinstatement you will need to submit an application that will be presented to the Admissions Committee.

Q: Can I deduct my SOA dues as a charitable contribution?
A: Dues paid to SOA are not deductible as charitable contributions but may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Please consult your tax adviser