Announcement: SOA releases November 2024 Exam P and EA2-F passing candidate numbers.

Applying for VEE Credit


You may apply for VEE candidate credit by clicking on the “Apply" link on the VEE Home Page. A separate order must be placed for all three VEE topics.


Candidates must upload official transcript(s) from the VEE-provider universities and institutions where your courses were taken (with the exception of courses taken through vendors such as ACTEX, Coaching Actuaries, The Infinite Actuary, and NEAS).

School grade reports, or unofficial transcripts from a university website do NOT meet the documentation requirements. Grade records for Coaching Actuaries, ACTEX, The Infinite Actuary, and NEAS are sent directly to the SOA; you do not need to submit a transcript if applying for VEE credit using those courses.

If unable to upload your transcript, you may mail paper transcripts to:

VEE Administration Committee
Society of Actuaries
8770 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60631

Electronic transcripts may be sent directly from the university to:


All online orders require credit card payment. Paper applications will only be accepted if paying by check.

Approved Courses

Only courses and educational experiences that appear in the VEE Directory of Approved Courses and Alternate Options may be used for VEE credit. A grade of B– or better (or the accepted equivalent indicated in the VEE Directory) is required for each VEE approved course. Candidates may not submit applications for partial credit (e.g., an approved accounting course may not be submitted alone, it must be accompanied by an approved finance course on the same order). Each of the three VEE topics must be applied for individually.

Two approved courses/options from different providers may be combined to complete a VEE topic requirement. For example, an approved accounting course from one university may be combined with an approved finance course from another university or provider.

When the VEE Candidate Credit order/application is received with payment, the candidate will receive an email confirmation. If all required transcripts are included with the application, the order will be placed in queue to be processed.

If a course doesn’t appear in the VEE Directory, you may submit a Course Approval Application to request that the course be evaluated for possible inclusion in the VEE Directory. Please check the Guidelines for Course Approval to see if the course meets all the necessary requirements before submitting an application. A course description and syllabus are also required.



VEE Candidate Credit Orders: The typical processing time after the receipt of the transcript(s) is two to four weeks. During times of high volume, processing times may increase up to six weeks. It is the candidate’s responsibility to submit orders early enough to allow sufficient time to meet any personal deadlines. We process VEE credit applications in the order received (once all transcripts are received) and will not take requests to expedite orders.

VEE Course Evaluation Applications: Allow ten weeks for review and processing of new course evaluations. If the courses are approved, they will be listed on the VEE Directory. We will only contact you in case of an incomplete application, or if your course is not approved.