Announcement: SOA Releases November 2024 Exam FAM passing candidate numbers.

Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)

Requirements to attain the FSA designation include exams, e–Learning courses and modules, a proctored project assessment, validation of educational experiences outside the SOA Education system (VEE), a professionalism seminar and the Fellowship Admissions Course.

Fellowship candidates choose a specialty track and complete the requirements of that track (must complete all requirements in a single track). Candidates have flexibility with regard to the order requirements are completed. However, the SOA has established a recommended order for each fellowship track. Candidates should be aware that an examination/module may assume familiarity with material that is covered in any requirement that is recommended to come before that examination or module.

More details about the enhancements to the FSA pathway, including transition rules, are available. These enhancements will continue to provide a better learning experience, increased flexibility, and ensure greater global relevancy. Learn more about these developments effective in fall 2025.

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Pathway Requirements

To see the requirements  for the ASA designation or the CERA credential, click on the appropriate tab below.

Candidates seeking to attain an FSA must also complete the ASA requirements. This is typically done in advance of beginning a fellowship track.

Choose a specialty track below and complete its requirements, including the DMAC and FAC for all candidates. The requirements in each track are listed in recommended order.

Color key:

*ERM Module may be taken at any time, but if taking both the ERM module and the ERM exam, the ERM Module should be taken first.

**May be taken before or at the same time as the previous item.

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