Identification and Calculators
Learn more about the identification requirements and approved calculator models for SOA exams.
REQUIRED: All candidates must present a non-expired valid government-issued identification with:
- Name (English/Latin alphabet)
- Photograph
- Signature
Digital ID’s are not accepted at this time at any Prometric Testing Location or at any Paper/Pencil SOA Testing Location. Only hard copy non-expired valid government issued ID’s are accepted.
A secondary forms of identification is required if the name on your government-issued identification is not in English/Latin alphabet, or lacks either a photo or a signature (but should not lack both.)
Primary Forms of Identification
If you are testing in your Country of Citizenship, acceptable types of identification include:
- Passport
- Driver’s license
- State ID
- Military ID
A secondary forms of identification is required if the name on your identification is not in English/Latin alphabet, or lacks either a photo or a signature (but should not lack both.)
If you are testing outside your Country of Citizenship, you must present a passport as primary form of identification. If the name on your passport is not in English/Latin alphabet, or lacks either a photo or a signature, a secondary form of identification is required.
IMPORTANT: If you are testing outside your country of citizenship and you cannot present a non-expired valid passport, you will not be allowed to test.
Secondary Forms of Identification
Secondary forms of identification must be non-expired, include the same name used on the primary government-issued ID, and include the missing signature or photo.
- Alien registration card
- National ID card
- Employee ID
- Student ID
- Major credit card
- Bank card
The chart below provides a visual guide to explain when secondary IDs are necessary.
Name Change
If your name has legally changed between the time you registered for your exam, and the date of your exam (such as getting married), make sure your ID has been updated and send the name change information to SOA Customer Service Center as soon as possible.
The SOA is unable to guarantee that any updates can be made to the name within five business days of a scheduled exam.
No photocopies of identification or of name change documentation will be accepted at the testing center.
The following are helpful reminders:
- When you arrive at the test center, you will be required to present your non-expired government-issued identification with both a signature and a photograph as describe above.
- All forms of identification being presented at the testing center must match your name exactly as it appears on the scheduling notification. You will not be allowed to test if the name on your identification does not exactly match the name on your scheduling notification.
- Your identification must be in good condition, and cannot be bent, frayed, taped, cracked or otherwise damaged in any way.
- The identification must be the original, and cannot be photocopies. Neither SOA or Prometric will make any exceptions to this policy.
- If you need to contact Prometric for any assistance, use the same form of your name that is on your exam application form and your government issued photo ID. Do not change the spelling and do not change the order of your name.
- Including your middle name is optional, and not required.
- Without the required ID, a candidate will not be permitted to test and the exam fee will be forfeited.
If you have questions or are uncertain about what constitutes valid identification, contact SOA Customer Service at or +1-888-697-3900 prior to the exam administration..
Only the following models of Texas Instruments calculators are approved for SOA exams:
- BA-35
- BA II Plus
- BA II Plus Professional
- TI – 30Xa or TI – 30XA, same model just different casing, both approved.
- TI-30X II (IIS solar or IIB battery)
- TI-30XS MultiView (or XB battery)
Candidates may bring more than one calculator into the examination room along with extra batteries, provided each calculator is on the approved list.
Calculator covers and instructions will not be permitted in the examination room. Please note that upon entrance to the exam room, candidates using the BA II Plus, BA II Plus Professional Edition, TI-30X IIS, TI-30XB (solar or battery), or TI-30XS MultiView (or XB battery) must show the supervisor that the memory has been cleared.
NOTE: BA II Plus and the BA II Plus Professional Edition, clearing the calculator will reset the calculator to the factory default settings.
No other calculators will be provided for those who fail to bring an approved model.
Please see the exam home page for specific Rules and Regulations regarding calculators.
You can purchase calculators at any office supply store or directly from: Texas Instruments at
Enrolled Actuaries (EA) Examinations
Candidates may use any model that meets the specifications of the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries as follows: "Candidates for the EA exams are permitted to use calculators which (1) have self-contained power sources; (2) are noiseless; and (3) do not have the capability to retain text."