Archive Fall 2015: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Exam
September 15, 2015
Please see attached replacement page for the Fall 2015 case study with important changes in bold. The current online case study has been corrected.
August 13, 2015
The case study is now available.
July 8, 2015
The Courseware has been updated for the Fall 2015/Spring 2016 syllabus. ERM-52-15. This version updates the version that was included in the Fall 2015/Spring 2016 Complete and the Fall 2015 Revision sets of study notes.
Disregard study notes ERM-100-12 and ERM-109-12 that are included in the Complete set of study notes. These study notes are not part of the reading for the Fall 2015/Spring 2016 sessions.
May 15, 2015
Learning Objective #2: Sweeting Chapter 10 has been removed from the syllabus
Learning Objective #4: ERM 124-15: “Counterparty Credit Risk: The New Challenge for Global Financial Markets, Ch. 2, Defining Counterparty Credit Risk” has been added to this Learning Objective
GH Reading Extension: A Health Insurance Insolvency Case Study, Health Section News #38, 2000, pp. 1 and 20-25 has been added
Investment Extension: Study Note ERM-608-14 “Elements of an Investment Policy Statement for Institutional Investors” has been removed.
These changes are now reflected in the online syllabus and the Introductory Study Note for the October Exam.