SOA - Course 7 Seminar Instructions to Candidates

Course 7 Seminar Instructions to Candidates

The following Course 7 Seminar Instructions to Candidates must be carefully noted and observed in every detail:

  1. Candidates should bring their Ticket of Admission to the seminar, as it is the source of their Candidate Number.  The Candidate Number must be written on the project papers, Project Report Envelopes, project diskettes, and the project booklet cover.

  2. All candidates will be required to sign in and show identification upon arrival as follows:  One current form of photo identification with your signature (e.g., driver's license, passport, school or work identification, etc.), or, in the absence of photo identification, two current forms of identification with signature, and at least one of these forms should have a physical description (height, weight, color of hair/eyes, etc.).  Anyone unable to meet these requirements will not be permitted into the seminar. 

  3. Information regarding the arrival time on the first day of the seminar will be listed on the Tentative Seminar Schedule, which is included in your advance study materials.  Please check the Tentative Seminar Schedule and note the starting time for your particular seminar.  The room will be open thirty minutes prior to the start of the seminar.  Candidates should present themselves immediately thereafter to enable the supervisor to check registration.  Attendance is mandatory.  Any significant portion missed will result in disqualification.

  4. Candidates planning to write their project report in French at an English speaking seminar must contact the Course 7 Coordinator in the SOA Exam department no later than two weeks prior to the exam.  These candidates should also be aware that the project files will be presented in English at an English speaking seminar; however, candidates writing in French may incorporate in their project appropriate segments in English without translating them.
  5. As a courtesy to others, candidates must turn off their cell phones and pagers before entering the room.

  6. Smoking is prohibited in the seminar room.

  7. Candidates must provide their own pens or pencils as well as their own calculators.  Candidates may use any model calculator; there are no restrictions.
  8. Candidates must sign their project booklet cover.  Candidates who fail to do so will have their project disqualified.

  9. Candidates are not allowed to use their own scratch paper.  Blank candidate paper is provided for scratch work.  All scratch paper and draft reports must be turned in.

  10. Candidates may not consult the supervisor as to the meaning of any question.

  11.  Candidates must not give or receive assistance of any kind during the seminar.  Any cheating, any attempt to cheat, assisting others to cheat, or participating therein, or engaging in such improper conduct as listed below is a serious violation and will generally result in the Society of Actuaries' disqualifying the candidate's paper, and such other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate.

  12. Examples of improper conduct are:
    • Looking at or copying from another candidate's paper.
    • Enabling another candidate to copy from one's paper.
    • Disclosing or discussing the contents of the project or your report with another candidate.
    • Not deleting all files relating to the project before leaving the seminar.
    • Arranging to have another person attend the seminar for you.
    • Threatening or verbally abusing a supervisor or proctor responsible for curbing or reporting improper conduct.
    • Presenting false information on an application.
  13. The Education and Examination Committee of the Society of Actuaries will pursue any evidence that a candidate has cheated or failed to follow the rules, either in letter or spirit.  Any irregularity or suggested violation will be investigated.  When a violation is confirmed, disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, disqualification of the candidate's paper and a prohibition against writing SOA exams for a specified period. 

  14. These standards may seem stricter than those to which candidates are accustomed in other testing environments.  The SOA maintains these strict standards because Course 7 is such a significant part of the candidate's career.  Therefore, equitable administration of the course and enforcement of the highest standards of conduct cannot be emphasized too strongly.
    Questions or concerns should be directed to Judy Carney, Society of Actuaries Course 7 Coordinator, at  847.706.3594 or
    Grades will be mailed approximately eight to ten weeks after the last day of the seminar.  Shortly after grades are mailed, passing candidate numbers will also be available on the SOA's exam results webpage. Under no circumstances will candidate numbers be provided by telephone, facsimile, or e–mail.