Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for September 2024 Exam SRM.

Hand Scoring

If a candidate believes there may have been an error in the scoring of his/her scantron sheet for a paper/pencil, multiple–choice exam, the candidate may request a hand scoring of the scantron sheet.

How it works

Hand scoring is a verification that the scantron sheet was scored correctly. It is not a verification of anything that was written in the exam booklets, nor does this process transfer anything from the exam booklet to the scantron sheet.

How to request

A request for hand scoring must be made by completing the Application for Hand Scoring of Paper/Pencil Multiple–Choice Exams and sending it to the Society of Actuaries within 60 days after exam grades are released.

An administrative fee of $50 will be charged for each hand score request. It is payable by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express), Certified Check or Money Order (in U.S. dollars).

Do not request hand scoring services until you have received your grade from the SOA. Please contact the Education Department at 847.273.8831 or for more information.


Application for Hand Scoring of Paper/Pencil Multiple–Choice Exams


If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact