Actuarial Research Conferences
Actuarial Research Conferences
by Society of Actuaries
Over 90 participants from eight countries gathered on the banks of the Iowa River from August 5?7, 2004 to hear over 40 presentations covering all aspects of actuarial science as the University of Iowa hosted the 39th Actuarial Research Conference.
The receptions and banquet gave the participants many opportunities to gather socially to discuss the latest news in actuarial news and research.
For the first time, the SOA E&R Section sponsored a seminar on Interest Rate Modeling: Practical Approaches in the days preceding ARC. Over 25 practitioners attended the seminar, and the response has been very positive.
The presentations from ARC will be compiled in the Actuarial Research Clearing House (ARCH) Volume 2005.1. The volume should be available in January 2005.
The 40th ARC is being held at Instituto Tecnol�gico Aut�nomo de M�xico (ITAM) in historic Mexico City on August 11?13, 2005. The annual research conference not only offers an opportunity for academics and practitioners to gather and discuss actuarial problems and their solutions, it also encourages a dialogue regarding general actuarial issues.
ITAM, one of Mexico?s leading business schools, is located on the southwest side of Mexico City. The university is home to the second largest actuarial program in Mexico and has played an important role in educating some of Mexico?s current leaders. It provides an electrically charged learning atmosphere.
Watch the ARC web site, at the following URL, for registration and accomodation information:
The 41st ARC will be held at University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 10?12, 2006.