Expanding Horizons Issue 29, June 2004
39th Actuarial Research Conference
The University of Iowa will be hosting the annual Actuarial Research Conference (ARC) August 5–7, 2004 in Iowa City. The 2004 ARC provides an opportunity for academics and practitioners from around the world to meet and discuss actuarial problems and their solutions. The conference also provides a forum for discussion of general actuarial education issues, particularly as they affect universities. Presentations are welcome on all topics of interest to actuaries.
To ensure a spot on the program, participants who would like to make presentations must submit an electronic copy of their title and abstract to Elias Shiu at elias-shiu@uiowa.edu by June 1, 2004. The deadline for early registration is July 1, and the deadline for housing reservations is July 5, 2004.
Additional information regarding the conference including the registration form is available on the conference Web site. For questions on program information, please contact Jim Broffitt james-broffitt@uiowa.edu at the University of Iowa and for questions on registrations, fees or accommodations, please contact Kelly Flinn at kelly-flinn@uiowa.edu.