Financial Mathematics Topics in Preliminary Education Exams for the May 2007 Administration
Beginning in 2007 there will be a number of new topics in financial mathematics added to the exam syllabi for the FM/2, M, and C/4 exams. Exam FM/2 will be expanded to 2.5 hours (from 2) to include introductory material on financial derivatives and the no–arbitrage principle.
Exam M will feature new learning outcomes on option pricing. To accommodate the additional material, loss models, including risk theory, will be moved to Exam C/4. Exam M will be expanded to a 5 hour multiple choice exam.
Exam C/4 will remain a 4 hour multiple choice exam, but with several new financial mathematics topics, along with loss models, in place of interpolation and smoothing.
Complete details can be found in the complete PDF file at the SOA website: Changes to Exams FM/2, M and C/4 for the May 2007 Administration.