Joint Mathematics Meetings
A session on actuarial education has become an annual tradition at the Joint Mathematics Meetings. The Math 2007 meetings, located in New Orleans, Louisiana will include the session, Current Issues in Actuarial Science Education, scheduled for Friday, Jan. 12, 4:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
This session is being organized by Robert E. Buck, Slippery Rock University, Bettye Anne Case, Florida State University, Matthew J. Hassett, Arizona State University, and Steve Paris, Florida State University. A diverse group of working actuaries, publishers and actuarial educators will bring new information from professional society committees, specialized publications initiatives and academic department experience. The pace of change in the profession is faster than in most academic areas, and the session helps faculty adjust as quickly as possible not only to educate their students generally, but to give the students good professional information and to determine upcoming curriculum changes that may be necessary.
Several actuaries and actuarial educators will speak. In addition to information about helping students meet the requirements of the new exams, there will be information about accreditation considerations followed by a question session. Refreshments will be provided.