CERA Designation
A new designation–the Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA)–is now available to help students and business professionals prepare for and seize opportunities in the evolving discipline of enterprise risk management (ERM) within broader financial services, insurance, and pension markets.
The curriculum was carefully developed to meet current and future market needs while providing a rigorous treatment of critical ERM topics, including actuarial approaches to risk. Successful candidates will receive the Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA) designation and become an Associate of the Society of Actuaries.
The required examinations will be provided by the SOA and will include the following:
- Exam P (Probability)
- Exam FM (Financial Mathematics)
- Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) Economics
- Exam M (Actuarial Models) segment MFE
- Exam C (Construction of Actuarial Models)
- FSA–level Finance/ERM Exam (Advanced Finance/Enterprise Risk Management)
- FSA–level Finance/ERM Module (Financial Reporting and Operational Risk–FSA Module Introduction, Operational Risk Section (Section 11) and End–of–Module Exercise only)*
- Associateship Professionalism Course
*Change in requirement as of November 1, 2007. For more information, e–mail fsamodules@soa.org