Education and Research Section Council Conference Call Notes–September 11, 2007
- Council Members
- Ian Duncan, Chair
- Chuck Fuhrer, Vice Chair
- Len Asimow
- Steven Craighead
- James Daniel
- Enrique de Alba
- Jeremy Gold, BOG Partner
- Frank Reynolds (not present)
- Aaron Tenenbein (not present)
- Jeffrey Pai (not present)
- Friends of the Council
- Claire Bilodeau
- Mary Hardy
- Curtis Huntington
- AERF committee has confirmed the 2005 Halmstad Prize winner: Manistre, B. John and Geoffrey H. Hancock, Variance of the CTE Estimator. Winners have been notified by the AERF committee
- Manistre has confirmed that he will be presenting at the Annual Meeting on Tue, Oct 16 at 2:30 p.m. However, there are only 7 people registered for this session and it might need to be cancelled. If that's the case we might ask him to come to the E&R hot breakfast and present the prize (plaque) then. Sofi will contact Curtis to see if he can present the prize. The section has a budget of up to $1,500 (per notes on March 13) to cover travel expenses for the winner(s).
- The council discussed the Halmstad process and the overall consensus is that it was an improvement over previous years. There were some difficulties in the process and timeline; however, those issues should not be overstated. The fact that the committee met in person to discuss the papers was a plus by itself. The group also felt the length of the meeting was sufficient; however, ensuring physical representation of every subcommittee at the face–to–face meeting is deemed desirable.
- Subcommittees need to be staffed right away–chairs need to inform the E&R council and Halmstad Committee who their team members are. The chairs for this year are:
- Health Subcommittee, Ian Duncan
- Life Subcommittee, Steve Craighead (would like an academic on his team)
- Investment/Finance/Risk Mgmt, Ken Seng Tan (needs to be confirmed)
- Pension, Ken Buffin (needs to be confirmed)
- Property & Casualty, Curtis to approach Roger H and Elias & Claire to follow up
- Mathematical Foundations, Curtis to contact Jenny Young
- Halmstad Committee Chair–Elias has accepted to remain Chair for one more year. Claire Bilodeau will serve as Deputy Chair. The council feels that Claire's knowledge of the process will help with the transition. In the future, the role of the Chair will be to oversee the process relying on the subcommittee chairs for the nominations.
- Face–to–face Council meeting at the Annual Meeting
- There will be a council meeting on Monday, October 15 from 6:00–6:30 p.m. (SOA General reception is from 6:30–8:00)
- New council members will be invited
- Details to follow from Chuck & Sofi
- Finances–council approved the payment of approximately $250 for Jeremy Gold who was a speaker at the Practitioner Session during ARC
- Expanding Horizons
- Next deadline will be at the end of January
- Council agreed that there should be 3 issues a year
- 2008 Spring Meeting Kick–off
- Chuck attended the meeting in Chicago on September 10
- The section will have 1 session at each meeting. There are opportunities to co–sponsor with other sections, specially with Health.
- Session titles and descriptions need to be submitted by October 29
- Health Spring Meeting, May 28–30, LA
- Life Spring Meeting, June 16–18, Quebec City