Announcement: SOA Releases November 2024 Exam FAM passing candidate numbers.

Doctoral Stipend Update

Doctoral Stipend Update

By Emily Kessler

We are thrilled (and surprised) to announce that we received 51 applications for the first award of the SOA Doctoral Stipend! Candidates represented the breadth and depth of the actuarial field: a number of applicants already hold an actuarial credential (ASA, FSA, FCIA and FCAS) and many are well on their way. Programs of study include actuarial science, financial mathematics, mathematics, statistics and risk management at universities across the United States and Canada. Candidates receiving the doctoral stipend will receive $20,000 per year through the completion of their doctorate (but no more than five years) assuming good progress on the doctorate and actuarial credential. The announcement of stipend winners is targeted for April 15, but it may be delayed a few days given the high number of exceptionally qualified applicants.