Announcement: SOA Releases November 2024 Exam FAM passing candidate numbers.

CKER Travel Grants for the 44th Actuarial Research Conference

CKER Travel Grants for the 44th Actuarial Research Conference

By Erika Schulty

The Committee on Knowledge Extension Research (CKER) is offering US$500 travel grants to graduate students from the United States, Canada, Mexico, or other areas outside of North America, who will be presenting at the 44th Actuarial Research Conference (ARC) at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wis.

The CKER will take two student applications per school and will guarantee that one qualified student per school will receive a $500 grant. If there are any funds left after the initial funding, CKER will consider the second student application. The grant amount is based on air travel. If the applicant drives to the 44th ARC, a lesser amount will be awarded. Each student will need an ARC presentation verification form signed by an advisor, department chair or graduate program advisor.

The applications are now available on the SOA Web site. Applications and supporting materials are due by May 11, 2009. Please return applications to Erika Shulty by fax to 847.273.8519 or e-mail Grant recipients will be notified by June 5, 2009.