5th Annual Insurance Direct Marketing Forum & e-Commerce Assembly: Integrated Marketing
5th Annual Insurance Direct Marketing Forum & e-Commerce Assembly: Integrated Marketing
For more information, please call 866.450.7005 or visit www.jcg-ltd.com to register online. The regular delegate fee for the Forum is $995.00. But, thanks to the Forum's sponsors, delegates save $125.00. Plus, those who register before August 18th will save an additional $125.00. The limited-attendance Advanced Insurance Direct Marketing Symposium is an additional $295.00.
For exhibitor information, please contact Ginny Simon at 610.889.2036 or gsimon@projectmarketinginc.com.
For Immediate Release
For more information, contact Ginny Simon, 610.889.2036, or gsimon@projectmarketinginc.com
JCG Group Conferences, Mintel Comperemedia, and The Credo Group (a TRANZACT Company) Present the 5th Annual Insurance Direct Marketing Forum & e-Commerce Assembly: "Integrated Marketing"
September 10th & 11th 2007, Loews Vanderbilt Hotel, Nashville, TN
March 9, 2007 (Middletown, DE)-The 5th Annual Forum's Institutional sponsors include the Society of Actuaries, LIMRA, Target Marketing magazine, Best's Review, and "Insurance Newscast." Members and readers of the sponsors receive a $125.00 discount from the regular Conference Delegate Fee.
The Forum is the largest gathering of domestic and international insurance direct marketing practitioners—with attendance topping 200. Delegates attend 27 sessions during the two-day event that features case studies, idea exchange round tables, and advanced direct marketing techniques. Every session is crisp and relevant to the insurance direct marketing concept. And, what is most important, the Forum fills a significant gap in professional development and training for insurance direct marketing practitioners.
The Forum is a unique meeting. This year's keynote address will be delivered by Shawn D. Morris, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of AIGM (a billion dollar company marketing personal auto insurance direct to consumers!).
Once again, author and consultant Don Jackson will conduct the "Advanced Insurance Direct Marketing Symposium"—a limited-attendance interactive session of senior professionals who will explore the strategic implications of the integrated marketing concept.
Case studies will be presented by companies such as New York Life, Amica Life, Cuna Mutual, Mutual of Omaha, and others covering life, health, auto, and property & casualty coverages.
Delegates enjoy a state-of-the-art Exhibit Hall, featuring the most advanced insurance direct marketing service providers, plus, at no additional cost, two luncheons, two breakfasts, coffee breaks, and a networking reception to round out a dynamic, stimulating program.
For more information, please call 866.450.7005 or visit www.jcg-ltd.comto register online. The regular delegate fee for the Forum is $995.00. But, thanks to the Forum's sponsors, delegates save $125.00. Plus, those who register before August 18th will save an additional $125.00. The limited-attendance Advanced Insurance Direct Marketing Symposium is an additional $295.00.
For exhibitor information, please contact Ginny Simon at 610.889.2036 or gsimon@projectmarketinginc.com.
About JCG Group Conferences
For the last 12 years JCG Group Conferences has been the producer of the limited-attendance Executive Workshop in Insurance Direct & Database Marketing, the Insurance Direct Marketing Forum, and the Insurance e-Commerce Assembly.