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Editor's Column

Editor's Column

By Nancy Manning

Happy 2008 from the Marketing and Distribution Section Council!!

As we begin 2008, let's review some of the MaD accomplishments from 2007

  • Product Implementation Survey–summarized for the membership and presented in several venues.
  • Development of the first version of a Subject Matter Expert List
  • Implemented a membership and marketing plan–initial efforts included conducting the survey described elsewhere in this issue.
  • Continuing Education–MaD continues to sponsor and/or co-sponsor sessions at SOA meetings and other functions.
  • Worked with SOA Staff to archive old issues of NewsDirect, including developing better search criteria for easier access.

2006–2007 Section Council Chairperson Juliet Sandrowicz completed her term as the leader of the MaD group and moved to our Friends list. Thanks also to council members Van Beach and Leonard Mangini, whose terms ended at the SOA meeting in Washington.

Welcome to our newest section council members, Kevin Pledge (one–year term) and Steve Dobronyi, Andy Ferris, and Chuck Ritzke (three–year terms).

Your section council is working with SOA staff to develop a new format for NewsDirect. While the Council is pleased to present an online newsletter to our membership, we recognize that many members like the flexibility of printing a hard copy that fits easily into a briefcase and provides reading material in those locations where an Internet connection isn't available. We are exploring format options with the SOA publications team and hope to have a new format in place in 2008.

In the spirit of keeping "true to our roots," the MaD conducted a survey recently, seeking feedback about our performance as a section. Look on page ??? in this newsletter for the survey and results.

Other articles of interest range from a review of the Speed Underwriting Session we co–sponsored at the Spring 2007 meeting, a summary of the "Product Filing Anxiety" session at the annual meeting, and a quick look at a new potential "One Stop Shopping" Opportunity.

As always, we welcome your comments and input. If you have an idea for an article you'd like to write, contact me to discuss. We strive to provide quality information to meet your needs. If you are aware of articles or other publications that you think would be of interest to the section, we invite your input. If there is a topic you'd like to review for the newsletter, contact me.