The Actuary Magazine October 2004 - Great Voter Turnout For The 2004 SOA Election!
Great Voter Turnout for the 2004 SOA Election!
by the Society of Actuaries
Thank you for your participation in the 2004 election. As a result of your interest, we achieved the highest voter turnout since 1996. Listed below are the winning officer and Board candidates. Congratulations to:
President-Elect: Robert M. Beuerlein
Vice President: Warren R. Luckner, Bruce D. Schobel and Judy L. Strachan
Board: Mary Bahna-Nolan, Errol Cramer, Mary Rosalyn Hardy, Patricia A. Pruitt, Max J. Rudolph and Kenneth A. Steiner
And a big thanks to all of the candidates who ran on this year's slate! Read about the election FAQs and results of the feedback survey at