The Actuary Magazine October 2004 - Recommended Reading
Recommended Reading
by the Society of Actuaries–Health Practice Area Communications Committee
Article list compiled by the Society of Actuaries–Health Practice Area Communications Committee. Recommendations were selected from articles included in the Literature Review research project sponsored by the SOA's Health Benefit Systems Practice Area and the Health Section.
Risk Assessment
Article: Ash, Arlene S., Randall, P. Ellis, et. al. 2000. Using Diagnoses to Describe Populations and Predict Costs. Health Care Financing Review, Volume 21, Number 3: pages 7–28.
Though written about a single risk-adjustment methodology, this article provides insight into how a methodology might be developed and validated.
Medical Technology
Article: Weisbrod, B.A. and LaMay, C.L. 1999. Mixed Signals: Public Policy and the Future of Health Care R&D. Health Affairs, Volume 18, Number 2: pages 112–125.
Health technology companies seek profits and the health care system seeks to cut costs. How can this tension be resolved?
Prescription Drugs
Article: Hoffman, Shah, et. al. 2004, January. Projecting Future Drug Expenditures–2004. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Volume 61: pages 145–158.
A readable, current article (a new version is published each year) that addresses both policy and financial issues.
Article: Spillman, Brenda C. 2000, July/August. Adults Without Health Insurance: Do State Policies Matter? Health Affairs, Volume 19, Number 4: pages 178–187.
Seeing states as the laboratories for public policy, the article explores the effects of a wide variety of options for expanding health insurance coverage. Valuable for a broad audience.
Managed Care
Article: Schield, J., Murphy, J.J. and Bolnick, H.J. 2001. Evaluating Managed Care Effectiveness: A Societal Perspective. North American Actuarial Journal, Volume 5, Number 4: pages 95-110.
This paper provides an overall stakeholder analysis of the managed care market, models their objectives and relationships and makes conclusions based on the model.