Be Informed... Your Vote Counts!
Be Informed... Your Vote Counts!
In October 2006, the SOA Board of Governors approved proposed changes to the existing Constitution and bylaws that will streamline these documents into one governing document.
Voting fellows will be asked for their endorsement of these changes in conjunction with the annual election for officers and directors beginning Aug. 9, 2007.
A resounding "yes" vote from voting fellows on this non-controversial issue:
- Respects our traditions and honors our heritage.
- Supports the SOA's core mission and vision.
- Aligns with current and best practices in non–profit association management.
- Promotes effective governance from your elected representatives.
What should YOU do?
REVIEW the proposed bylaws and
LEARN why voting "yes" is important to you at
SEND your questions to
EXERCISE your rights as a voting fellowand be sure to VOTE "YES!"
* Polls open August 9 and close September 10.*