Announcement: SOA Releases November 2024 Exam FAM passing candidate numbers.

The Actuary Magazine August 2007 - SOA '07 Election

SOA '07 Election

The SOA 2007 election is only several weeks away, and the polls open on August 9 and close on September 10. The 2007 Board election slate, in the order they will appear on the ballot, is:

Cecil D. Bykerk, FSA, MAAA, FCA, RHU, FLMI, BA, MS

Bradley M. Smith, FSA, MAAA

Dale H. Yamamoto, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA

Tom Bakos, FSA, MAAA
Christopher M. Bone, FSA, EA, MAAA
Mary R. Hardy, FSA, FIA, PhD
Shu-yen Liu, FSA, MAAA
Donald J. Segal, FSA, MAAA, FCA, EA, BS
Mary J. Bahna–Nolan, FSA, MAAA

Nooruddin (Rudy) S. Karsan, FSA
Joseph Paesani, FSA, MAAA
Arthur V. Panighetti, FSA, MAAA
Sudha Shenoy, FSA, MAAA
Thomas S. Terry, FSA, MAAA, FCA
Jeffrey G. Allen, FSA, MAAA, FCA, MBA
Van Beach, FSA, MAAA
Kenneth G. Buffin, FSA, FIA, FCA, FSS, MAAA, PhD
Anne M. Buffin, FSA, EA, MAAA
William J. Falk, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA
Christopher J. Fievoli, FSA, FCIA, BMATH
Philip Gold, FSA, FIA, MAAA

You can learn more about these candidates in several ways. The President–Elect candidates' video recorded campaign speeches plus a roundtable discussion moderated by Past President Steve Kellison are available on the SOA Web site. All candidates provided a biography which contains their basic information of designations, area of practice, job title, employer and a brief description of the type of work the candidate currently does plus their professional background, volunteer experience and the answer to a strategic question.

In this election, three seats have been reserved, and at least two candidates on the ballot fulfill the requirements for each reserved seat: a candidate practicing in the health benefits area of practice, a candidate practicing in the retirement systems area of practice and a candidate from Canada. Reserved seats help ensure that certain perspectives and experience are available for BOG discussions.

There will also be a separate ballot for Section Council positions in each of the sections. Section Council elections have different constituencies from the election for Board of Governors and the general Bylaws Proxy. Each of the Section Council candidates has also provided biographies that contain their professional background, SOA activities, relevant experience and the answer to a section–related question.

All of this plus other election information can be found on the SOA Web site.

Online voting for the election will be open 24 hours a day on August 9 until the polls close at 11:45 a.m., Central time, on September 10. On the day the election opens, voting members with a current e–mail address on the SOA database will receive an e–mail containing their election member ID number and election password. Any voting member without an e–mail address in the SOA database, along with those who specifically request it, will receive a paper ballot.

Voting is your opportunity to make a difference. Influencing the future of the SOA and the actuarial profession requires the participation of every eligible voter, including you! Your vote counts so don't miss the opportunity.