Vote In The SOA ’08 Elections!
Vote in the SOA '08 Elections!
By Sheree Baker
The SOA 2008 elections are just around the corner! The polls open on August 7 and close on September 10 at 11:45 a.m. Central time. The 2008 Board election slate—in the order they will appear on the ballot—is:
Kathleen R. Wong
S. Michael McLaughlin
Vice President
Abraham S. Gootzeit
Tom Bakos
Christopher M. Bone
Errol Cramer
James M. Glickman
Elected Board Member
Kevin J. Pledge
Alice Rosenblatt
Geoffrey C. Sandler
Sudha Shenoy
Martine Sohier
Randi E. Woods
David W. Dickson
Steven W. Easson
R. Dale Hall
Allen M. Klein
John O. Nigh
Joseph Paesani
Get to Know the Candidates
You can learn more about these candidates in several ways. The president–elect candidates' video–recorded campaign speeches—plus a roundtable discussion moderated by SOA Past President Ed Robbins—are available on the SOA Web site. All Board candidates provided a biography which contains basic information including designations, area of practice, job title, employer and a brief description of the type of work the candidate is engaged in at present. The biographical information also includes professional background, volunteer experience and the answer to a strategic question.
Separate Ballot for Section Council Positions
In addition, there will be a separate ballot for Section Council positions in each of the Sections. Section Council elections have different constituencies from the election for Board of Directors and the Bylaws amendment proxy. Each of the Section Council candidates has also provided biographies that contain professional background, SOA activities, relevant experience and the answer to a Section–related question.
Visit the SOA Web Site for Complete Information
All election information can be found on the SOA Web site at Remember: Online voting for the election will be open 24 hours a day beginning August 7. Polls close on September 10 at 11:45 a.m. Central time.
Let your voice be heard! Please vote!
Sheree Baker is governance director at the Society of Actuaries. She can be reached at