The SOA At Work
The SOA at Work
Evaluation Results Help Enhance SOA Meetings
Your feedback matters. Results of the recently revised SOA meeting evaluations have yielded valuable member input that has already been used to improve and enhance meetings.
The meetings and events department streamlined the evaluations in early 2007 with the hope that they would provide more tangible results on which the department could act. To date, your important post-meeting feedback has contributed to changes such as presenter coaching being offered at the Life and Health Spring Meetings, as well as the SOA 07 Annual Meeting & Exhibit; more handouts being made available ahead of meetings; and increased involvement from volunteers. In addition, the evaluations offer insights to the meeting and events department on how to raise your overall satisfaction level–something the SOA always wants to do.
Meeting evaluation forms are sent to attendees via an e–mail link immediately following all meetings. The SOA looks forward to receiving your valuable feedback in the near future, so we can continue to enhance and improve your meeting experience.
SOA Dues held Constant; Dues and Section Membership Payments Online
The Board of Directors will hold 2008 membership dues constant. This decision reflects careful management of the organization's funds and supports the Board's commitment to provide significant value to members and the resources the organization needs to achieve its mission and objectives for the years to come.
Also, in a continued effort to improve member services, the SOA has gone fully electronic for dues renewal via our easy–to–use online dues and section membership payment.
Using your credit card and our simple online payment system, you will pay your dues and have the opportunity to change section memberships. For your convenience, you may also sign up for IAA special interest sections at the same time you renew your SOA membership. Just visit
Those who must pay by check, such as organizations paying dues for employees, may print out an invoice at Electronic dues payment is just one more way the SOA is working to create solutions to customer needs.
The Actuarial Profession in the News
Rough Notes Features CERA Designation
The insurance magazine article highlighted the importance of the CERA credential. Read the entire article.
Washington Post Quotes FSA
The Post interviewed Ron Gebhardstbauer for a story on how inflation can eat away at a retiree's savings. Learn more by visiting and clicking on "Actuaries in the News."
Reuters Feature Story Highlights Value of Actuaries
The article discusses the value of having an actuary's help when making retirement decisions. View the piece by going to and clicking on "Actuaries in the News."
Upcoming 2008 SOA Educational OpportunitiesFebruary 21–22
Fourth Annual Teleunderwriting Seminar
Tampa, Fla.
March 2–4
ReFocus 2008
Las Vegas, Nev.
March 16–18
Eighth Annual Intercompany
LTCI Conference
Jacksonville, Fla.
March 25–26
Investment Symposium
New York, N.Y.
March 31–April 1
Equity–Based Insurance Guarantees Conference
Hong Kong
April 2–3
Insurance Seminar on Economic Capital
Hong Kong
April 7–9
The Life Insurance Conference
Las Vegas, Nev.
April 9–11
The Retirement Industry Conference
Las Vegas, Nev.
April 14–16
Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Chicago, Ill.
To view the entire list of SOA educational opportunities, Meetings and Events Calendar.