Over the past several years, actuaries have been increasingly expanding their career horizon to non-traditional fields such as technology, data analytics, and investment banking, to name a few. A panel of actuaries in leadership roles at various industries will discuss several topics, which include:
- What career path lead to their current roles?
- How did their actuarial training and working experience prepare them for their current role?
- What are the key differences in their current positions vs. past traditional actuarial roles?
- Whatchallenges they have to overcome to thrive in the new roles?
- What lessons learned would they share with the next generation of actuarial leaders?
Key learning outcomes include:
- Potential leadership roles outside the traditional actuarial fields or insurance industry
- Skillsets required to succeed in a non-traditional role
- Challenges of working in a non-traditional field and how to overcome them
TRACK: Other (DEI, Professionalism, Leadership, Communications, Business Skills, Bias Topics, Etc.)