Statutory and GAAP metrics are useful for external audiences such as regulators and investors since they provide a consistent framework for viewing and comparing multiple companies at a point in time. However, their uses are more limited for managers who require more real-time information in making strategic decisions. Many insurers are developing internal metrics such as Value of New Business (VNB) for better profitability insights at the point of sale, to understand how new business profitability changes over time and to allow for quicker decision making. By leveraging existing models and reporting processes, insurers can reduce the additional effort involved in applying VNB toward applications such as pricing, capital allocation and risk management.Find out more about key considerations for developing and using VNB. First, you will hear a brief overview of VNB, including how VNB addresses specific shortcomings of statutory and GAAP reporting metrics. Then you will explore applications of VNB for life and annuity business and will end the session with some implementation case studies. TRACK: Valuation (LTDI, IFRS 17, Tax, Statutory/ Regulatory, Etc.);Pricing/ Product Development (Underwriting, ULSG, Etc.)