"Julia is one of the most recently developed general-purpose open-source programming languages with both easy-to-use and execution efficiency as the essence of the design of the language. Many up-to-date innovative programming language design ideas have been embedded in this young lady, licensed under the MIT license. A well-known motto “walk like Python and run like C” summarizes it all. Over the years there have been tremendous developments to the library ecosystem and community. Let’s find out how Julia differs and compares among several trending languages, in terms of both productivity and efficiency. More information is available at https://julialang.org.
Attend if you are an organization interested in utilizing various kinds of client data to improve the whole insurance sales process, and to develop new applications. Interested parties may include distribution sales force, underwriting, claims, actuarial and finance departments within a typical insurance company, online distribution partners, health care providers and other consulting service providers. The research looks into various use cases, which are typically main issues in modeling in the insurance industry. The research also helps benchmark performance using different languages that may serve as a good reference when best to use a certain language to enhance the development cycle.