The following vidoe is from Eric Milner, ASA MAAA Vice President and Actuary at Risk Strategies Company. IN this video he takes us through the intricated world of investment, risks, asset allocation, and fundamental theories of quantitative finance. The session begins by dissecting Market Risk, Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, and Operational Risk, emphasizing the importance of not just identifying but quantifying and managing these risks intelligently. Strategies for Asset Allocation and Diversification are discussed alongside cornerstone theories such as Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Behavioral Finance shed light on market dynamics and the impact of psychological influences on financial decision-making, providing a comprehensive understanding essential for sophisticated investment strategies and informed financial analysis.
Contributors: Eric Milner, ASA, MAAA; Richard Vaccaro, FSA, MAAA ; Diyi Zhao ASA, MAAA; Jon Forster ASA, MAAA