Hear a presentation of the American Academy of Actuaries Climate Change Joint Committee's paper, "Financial Inequities Caused by Climate-related Disasters". Climate equity will be achieved when the unequal burdens worsened by climate change on disadvantaged populations and the communities in which they live are recognized and addressed. These disadvantaged populations include lower-income groups, children, the disabled, and the elderly, and are they often rural. Their suffering can come in many forms—from the fundamentals of survival, such as shelter, health, and economic viability, to the challenges of preparing for such events through insurance and other forms of financial planning. Actuaries are often tasked with modeling and pricing the security systems designed to protect the general population from the adverse financial impacts of climatic events. As a result, actuaries are in a position to provide input related to developing means of reducing the inequities of climate-related disasters. This session will explore considerations for actuaries, including an introduction to the range of equity issues that climatic events—in particular, an increasing propensity to particular types of events—may pose to actuaries. Policymakers and regulators, as well as actuaries, can use the information about the potential equity issues associated with climatic events and climate change trends to produce more effective regulations, policies, and risk mitigation strategies.