2020 Board Member Candidate

Jennifer L. Gillespie, FSA 2000, MAAA
Video Message | Q&A Video Part 1 | Q&A Video Part 2 | Q&A Video Part 3 | Q&A Video Part 4
Election Message:
In these most unusual times, it is important for the Society of Actuaries to have strong, flexible, creative leaders. I hope to be your choice for President-Elect.
The pandemic is requiring changes in most, if not all, areas of the SOA. I have recently been immersed in adapting our FAC and APC content to a combination of modules and virtual face-to-face sessions so that candidates around the globe can continue to get their hard-earned credentials. Research priorities have to change, major meetings have to be restructured, written exams have to change format, etc. We can’t hang on to the “way things have always been” just because it worked well in a different time.
The SOA was already working on increasing the prevalence of actuaries who describe themselves in diverse ways, but these efforts need to be super charged. I have been serving on the Joint (with the CAS) Committee on Inclusion, Equity and Diversity. I feel lucky to have been able to hear about and learn from the struggles committee members have shared. I am actively working on myself and I think it is important for the SOA to help our members work on themselves and their places of employment such that ALL feel welcomed and truly have equal opportunities.
Throughout my career I’ve been asked to be part of teams working on the most innovative and potentially transformative initiatives. I enjoy the learning and brainstorming, and excel at synthesizing varied ideas into a path forward. I work with the other members of the team to find the sweet spots where stretch ideas meet organizational strengths. This makes me well suited to lead in this environment.
I’ve served on the SOA Board and as Secretary/Treasurer, was part of the Leadership Team. I am ready to return to that work and I hope you are ready to vote for me for President-Elect. Thank you.
Brief description of current work:
I am a busy volunteer for the Society of Actuaries (see below) and for US Figure Skating, where I am a Judge and a Chief Referee.
Primary Area(s) of Practice (per SOA Directory):
Work Experience:
- Consortium Health Plans (Consulting to Blue Plans): Vice President of Actuarial Services (2015-2018)
- BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota: Vice President of Underwriting for final 12 years (employed 1996-2014)
- Fortis Benefits: employed in various actuarial roles (1987-1996)
SOA Volunteer Experience:
- Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and Member of the Leadership Team – 2012-2014
- SOA Board Member – 2009-2014
- Member of the Joint Committee on Inclusion, Equity and Diversity – since 2020
- Chair of the Professionalism Education Management Committee – member since 2015
- FAC and APC Facilitator – since 2012
- Member of the last two SOA Strategic Planning Task Forces
- Chair of the Public Policy Strategy Task Force – 2015
- Chair and Member of the Health Section Council - 2006-2009
- Chair and Member of the Leadership and Development Section Council – 2003-2006
- General Officer for Professionalism – since 2015
- SOA Representative on the Academy’s Council on Professionalism – since 2015
- Member of the Centers of Actuarial Excellence Appeals Committee – since 2019
- Chair and Member of the Centers of Actuarial Excellence Evaluation Committee – 2015-2019
- Member Nominating Committee – 2015-2017
- Member of various other committees and task forces
- Author of numerous articles for SOA publications
- Speaker and Moderator for a variety of sessions at SOA Health Meetings