2024 Recipients of the Outstanding Volunteer Award
We have all had the experience of working with an outstanding volunteer, one whose contributions exceed expectations and go well beyond the responsibilities of the position. Individuals who receive this award for their outstanding service contribute to superior performance, demonstrate team collaboration and effective communication, take on leadership roles, and serve as an inspiration to others.
Award Recipients
Charles Ford, FSA, MAAA
Senior Vice President, Investments & ALM, Security Mutual Life Insurance Company
Charlie has gone above and beyond typical expectations in his roles as Education Executive Group Curriculum Chair and member of the Fellowship Redesign Task Force. In addition to overseeing a high-quality syllabus for the current Fellowship exams, he has led the charge in developing the course catalog and learning objectives for the updated pathway. Charlie’s SOA volunteer work has spanned more than 25 years, and he has served on numerous education committees, central review and executive groups, and more. His efforts and leadership are sure to have a positive, lasting impact on the profession.
James T. Lescoe, FSA, MAAA
Actuary, Aetna
James serves as a leader for both the health curriculum and the health actuarial exam programs. He devotes significant time to ensure exams are clear and fair and that the curriculum is both practical and insightful. This year, James has gone even further in his role to help usher structural changes to the health exams, and he lent his expertise to support the development of a regulatory certificate. Additionally, he has served on central review and essay grading groups. James’ efforts strengthen the actuarial profession, and he is an esteemed member of the SOA volunteer community.
Dirk Sack, FSA, FCIA
Vice President, Strategic Insight, The Co-Operators Group Limited
Dirk Sack’s experience and dedication as an SOA education volunteer led him to serve as an Executive Education Group Chair, and he applied his skills as Chair of the task force responsible for redesigning the Fellowship pathway. Dirk’s leadership tenure has occurred during a time of change, with the micro-credential launch and the evolution of the Associate and Fellowship pathways. He has been instrumental in these initiatives, including communication efforts in which he led volunteer meetings and presented at town halls. Dirk’s guidance has been indispensable to the SOA and the profession as a whole.
Karen Shelton, FSA, MAAA
Vice President of Data, Analytics and Actuarial Services, OptumRx
Karen was appointed Education Executive Group Chair because of her dedication and skills. She has helped lead SOA education during an evolutionary time, serving on the Fellowship Pathway Implementation and Development Task Force, introducing micro-credentials and helping spearhead ASA curriculum updates. Karen was a key communicator of these changes, leading SOA volunteer meetings and town halls. She has also lent her expertise as a speaker at major meetings, served on central review and graded essays. A longtime volunteer, Karen’s dedication to SOA education helps ensure a bright future for the actuarial profession.
Susan Vagts, FSA
Actuarial Science Program Director, University of Nebraska—Lincoln
Sue brings experience to her roles as Foundations in Actuarial Practiced (FAP) Module Lead and FAP Curriculum Committee member. Her contributions have led to her serving as the Academic Partner of the Education Executive Group. Sue developed module content that aligns with assessment objectives, and she provides insight and enthusiasm in meetings, fostering a collaborative environment. Sue accomplished all this while also serving as Professionalism Education Management Committee Chair and Course Facilitator for both the Associateship Professionalism Course and the Fellowship Admissions Course. Sue’s commitment to SOA education is an inspiration to the volunteer community.
Mark Welchmeyer, FSA, CERA, MAAA
Director, Life Pricing, USAA
Mark has served as the Predictive Analytics (PA) Exam Grading Chair since 2022, and he was PA Grading Vice-Chair and a grader before that. This year, Mark led the shorter grading pilot program for the PA exam. He implemented streamlined grading processes while rallying volunteers and working seamlessly with SOA staff. Mark guided graders through the challenges of a shorter grading process, and his management resulted in halving the grading time for the October 2023 and April 2024 PA exams. Mark has been integral in improving the PA exam grading experience for both candidates and volunteers.
Jean-Marc Fix, FSA, MAAA
Vice President, R&D–Biometric Risks, Optimum Re
Jean-Marc is passionate about SOA research, serving on the Research Executive Committee and the steering committees for both the Mortality & Longevity and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Research Groups. Additionally, he’s a member of several project oversight groups. Jean-Marc contributes by offering ideas and insights, and he increases awareness of SOA research through webcasts and by speaking at major meetings. He also chaired the Living to 100 research initiative and led the 2023 Living to 100 Symposium Planning Committee. Jean-Marc’s dedication and work greatly benefit the SOA and the broader actuarial community.
Geoffrey R. Hileman, FSA, MAAA
Vice President and Actuary, Kennell and Associates Inc.
Geof is the energetic leader of the Social Insurance & Public Finance Section, for which he has served as Treasurer, Vice Chair and Chair. Geof spearheaded a four-part podcast series on Social Security and numerous webcasts. He also organized a networking breakfast with the Long-Term Care Section during the 2023 and 2024 ImpACT Conferences, and he has been involved with the SOA Research Institute Student Research Case Study Challenge. Geof’s commitment also led him to serve as coordinator, moderator and speaker at major meeting sessions. It’s because of contributions like Geof’s that the SOA has a vibrant volunteer community.
Chris Smith, ASA, MAAA
Senior Health and Benefits Actuarial Associate, Mercer
Chris is the highly engaged leader of both the Actuary of the Future and the Entrepreneurial & Innovation sections. In his leadership roles, Chris acts as a liaison between the two sections, facilitating collaboration. Chris also lent his expertise as a health actuary to serve as the Actuary of the Future section coordinator for the 2023 SOA Health Meeting and acted as moderator, speaker and coordinator for numerous sessions. Additionally, he spearheaded a networking event at the Health Meeting. Chris’ energy and enthusiasm make him an asset to the SOA and the profession.
Lydia Tolman, FSA, MAAA
Senior Consulting Actuary, Wakely Consulting Group
Lydia has embraced her leadership roles on the Health Section Council, first as Secretary and then as Vice Chair. She co-edits Health Watch, the Health Section’s newsletter, and she creates a welcoming environment for new volunteers, making sure all voices are heard. Lydia has also participated in SOA major meetings as speaker, coordinator and panel moderator and in webcasts to share findings and insights from SOA research. Lydia’s energy and enthusiasm for the actuarial profession is inspiring, and her focus on fellow members makes her an exemplary volunteer.
Chief Actuary, Taikang Insurance Group Inc.
Qu has contributed to the SOA as a reliable source of ideas in his role as China Committee Chair. His leadership has supported SOA China’s progress and event development. For example, Qu has established the Young Development Subcommittee, and he leads committee events. Additionally, Qu helped organize the 2023 and 2024 China Symposiums, while also acting as a moderator and giving opening remarks. Qu is an effective leader, efficiently directing committees and their local activities. He offers timely and valuable advice to overcome challenges, and many committee members consider him a close friend.
Simon Lam, FSA
CEO, China Pacific Insurance (H.K.) Co. Ltd.
Simon shows his commitment to the SOA across multiple roles: as Hong Kong Ambassador to the SOA, member of the Greater Asia Committee, Chairperson of the Greater Asia Committee, and, most recently, as an external examiner of the University-Earned Credit program at the University of Hong Kong. Simon has also given his time and support to the SOA Asia-Pacific Symposium, moderated a town hall and spoke on webcasts. Additionally, Simon has written for The Actuary and explored the development of a Vietnam Mortality Table. His extraordinary efforts have proven vital to the SOA and the growth of the actuarial profession.