Announcement: SOA releases November 2024 Exam P and EA2-F passing candidate numbers.

Work and the Retirement Journey – Essay Collection

The Society of Actuaries’ Aging and Retirement Strategic Research Program is pleased to release a collection of essays in response to a call for essays exploring ideas and thoughts on working in retirement and phased retirement programs.

Download complete essay collection or browse individual articles below.


Reimagining the Retirement Transition Journey: How Employees and Employers Are Enhancing Traditional Paradigms 
Varun Balutia, Karl Canty, and Rahul Nawab

It Takes a Village to Help People Working in Retirement
Linda Koco

Flexible Work and Phased Retirement: Practical Issues for Employers
Anna M. Rappaport

Reboot, Rewire or Retire: Finding Opportunities
Anna M. Rappaport

Thank You

The SOA’s Aging and Retirement Strategic Research Program would like to thank the following individuals for their input throughout this project:

Jim Berberian
John Cutler
Jeanne de Cervens
Sally Hass
Howard Iams
Steve Newman
John O’Leary
Larry Pollack
Anna Rappaport
Joel Sklar
Julie Stich
Steve Vernon
Steven Siegel, SOA Sr. Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, SOA Sr. Research Administrator

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