Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

1990–95 Basic Select and Ultimate Mortality Tables for Individual Life Insurance

Experience Studies – Individual Life

1990–95 Basic Select and Ultimate Mortality Tables for Individual Life Insurance

The 1990–95 Basic Select and Ultimate Mortality Tables for Individual Life Insurance are now available. Four tables have been produced; age nearest birthday and age last birthday tables for both males and females. The tables have been produced for individual issue ages 0 through 99 on a 25–year select basis and for ultimate attained ages 25 through 110. However, the values of issue ages 0 to 72 are based on individual life experience and those of issue ages 73 to 99 are an extrapolation from the younger age values. Also included are tables of graduated ratios by smoking status and by three amount bands. These ratios are available only for durations 1 to 10 and issue ages 20 to 72.

Please note that the age last birthday rates have been revised as indicated in the memo below.

  • This zipped file will decompress to four files:
  • WriteUp90–95.doc – Microsoft Word 97
  • Final90–95.xls – Microsoft Excel 97 – REVISED
  • Ratios.xls – Microsoft Excel 97
  • ALB Revision Memo.doc – Microsoft Word 97


1990–95 Basic Select and Ultimate Mortality Tables for Individual Life Insurance

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