Literature Review and Assessment of Mortality Improvement Rates in the U.S. Population: Past Experience and Future Long-Term Trends

The Retirement Plans Experience Committee (RPEC) hired Ernst & Young to perform a literature review and assessment of mortality improvement rates in the United States population. The report addresses the following topics, which were of particular interest to the RPEC:

  • An overview of common mortality improvement projection models and a more detailed analysis of the U.K. Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) model
  • A range of professional opinions regarding a long‐term estimate of mortality improvement in the United States
  • The extent and interaction of age, period and year‐of‐birth cohort effects in U.S. mortality improvement
  • External factors that might be correlated with variations in mortality improvement, such as socioeconomic status and lifestyle


Literature Review and Assessment of Mortality Improvement Rates in the U.S. Population: Past Experience and Future Long-Term Trends

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