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2018 Group Long-Term Disability Experience Study - New Variables and Predictive Analytics Applications

October 2018

This report is a follow-up to the 2018 Group Long-Term Disability Experience Study Report published in April, 2018. The dataset that was used for the April report included a number of new variables, but those new variables were not reviewed in detail as part of that earlier report. This report provides an analysis of those new variables, and utilizes some Predictive Analytics techniques to assist with an experience study of the data.

In addition to the report, we have provided an Excel workbook that provides more detail about the model developed in Section 5 of the report. The Excel workbook contains the parameters used by the model, as well as a guide as to how to apply the parameters from the model.   


2018 Group Long-Term Disability Experience Study - New Variables and Predictive Analytics Applications

2018 Group Long-Term Disability Experience Study - Consolidated Database (CDB)

(Please note that this file may take several minutes to download.)

2018 Claim Recovery Rate Model

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