2016 Variable Annuity Guaranteed Living Benefits Utilization
The Society of Actuaries and LIMRA have sponsored a Variable Annuity Guaranteed Living Benefit Utilization Study. This study is an annual update of earlier investigations conducted since 2006. Below are the links for this first release of the SOA/LIMRA Variable Annuity Guaranteed Living Benefit Utilization study in a new data visualization dashboard format called Tableau, as well as instructions for first-time users of Tableau.
2016 VA GLWB Rider Utilization
2016 VA GLWB Rider Utilization
2016 VA GMAB Rider Utilization
2016 VA GMAB Rider Utilization
2016 VA GMIB Rider Utilization
2016 VA GMIB Rider Utilization
2016 VA GMWB Rider Utilization
2016 VA GMWB Rider Utilization
Tableau Instructions
For this first release of the new format, all of the information that was available in the original PDF report is provided, but this new format also allows the user increased ability to access the data underlying the analysis. For future releases, we will continue to enhance the ability of the user to interact with the underlying aggregated data. All input from companies that are using the dashboard is welcome and can be provided to the SOA and LIMRA via the contacts listed below.
The four dashboards all have a similar structure. Each tab shows a particular chart, table or analysis along with the ability to do some filtering of data and results.
CONFIDENTIALITY: It is important to note that in any case where a user makes a filter or radio button selection that would violate the confidentiality rules that have been programmed, all cells that fail the confidentiality test will be blanked out in the dashboard view.
We would like to thank the Project Oversight Group for this study for all their help and guidance in this development year. The POG members put in a major effort this year to review the new report format, suggest changes, check results and provide oversight for the project to move from the paper report to a the new data visualization format.
The POG, the SOA and LIMRA hope that you will find this new format useful and that we can continue enhance the value of participation in these studies.
Tableau - Brief Instructions for first-time users
Questions Or Comments?
If you have comments or questions, please send an email to research@soa.org.