2006-2014 Experience Adjustments to the 2013 IDI Valuation Table Claim Termination Rates
Bob Beal, Actuary, FSA, MAAA
Milliman – Retired
Jay Barriss, FSA, MAAA
General Reinsurance
Tom Corcoran, FSA, MAAA
Willis Towers Watson – Retired
Laurie Fede, FSA, MAAA
Mass Mutual
Tasha Kahn, Actuary, FSA, MAAA
Tracy Koch, FSA, MAAA
The Society of Actuaries Individual Disability Experience Committee has completed their study of claim termination experience for the period 2006-2014 and has produced a report that provides a practical set of changes to the claim termination rates (CTRs) of the 2013 Individual Disability Income Valuation Table to reflect key industry individual disability income (IDI) claim experience trends over this time period. The goal was to have the resulting 2006-2014 IDIET in a workable format to facilitate its implementation.
2006-2014 Experience Adjustments to the 2013 IDI Valuation Table Claim Termination Rates
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